Ati primit banii pe perioada de la cb?
Buna , ma poate ajuta cineva cu un sfat? am plata in hold pe CC pana la completarea formularului pe venit (Reporting of earnings in accordance with DAC7) . Cum as putea sa procedez in situatia asta?Comment
Asta clar... ce nu inteleg este daca ei pot trimite mai departe fara acordul tau . In caz contrar prefer sa renunt la el . Pe viitor voi lua in calcul si varianta cu pfa-ul dar pana atunci caut o solutie cat mai buna la problema de fata . Iti multumesc mult pt raspuns !
Asta clar... ce nu inteleg este daca ei pot trimite mai departe fara acordul tau . In caz contrar prefer sa renunt la el . Pe viitor voi lua in calcul si varianta cu pfa-ul dar pana atunci caut o solutie cat mai buna la problema de fata . Iti multumesc mult pt raspuns !Comment
buna . Raspunsul celor de la CC cand i am intrebat daca fac raport la peste 2k sau nu ..."Thank you for your email.
The EUR2,000 de minimis exemption in DAC7 applies only to Goods. We report under the "service" category and therefore we have to report all earnings.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Best Regards,
Cb response from 2 days ago:
Thank you for your inquiry. As previously mentioned, it goes without saying that Chaturbate intends to comply with its legal obligations. With that said, we have reached out to our advisors for guidance with respect to the specific requirements as they relate to a “Freemium" streaming platform such as Chaturbate. Given we are still in the process of obtaining authoritative guidance with respect to any specific obligations we may have with respect to “DAC7” we are not able to answer your specific questions at this timeComment
Buna! Aveti idee daca cer explicatii cei de la Raiffeisen pentru banii proveniti din Paxum? Multumesc frumos pt ajutorComment
buna ziua tuturor . Am postat in Help! Declaratie venituri 2023 un raspuns venit de la o platforma . in cazul in care intereseaza pe unii dintre voi .Comment